List of Companies in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Searching for businesses in Almaty? Explore a directory of 19,724 companies located in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Top companies in Kazakhstan, businesses near me. Page 774.
We found 19,724 companies. Page 774

Out of danger information analytic newspaper

90, Satpaev St., of. 410, corner of Tlendiev St, P.O. Box: 050046, Almaty

Paper & Cardboard

88/90, Gagarin Ave, corner of Kurmangazy St, P.O. Box: 050009, Almaty

Petrocommerce Kazakhstan official distributor of LUKoil

79, Kurmangazy St, corner of Nauryzbai batyr St, P.O. Box: 050022, Almaty


4, Microdistrict Orbita-3, corner of Mustafin St. and Toraigyrov St, P.O. Box: 050043, Almaty

Pirant - Almaty centre of public relations and new technologies

152-Zh, Radostovtsa St., apt. 36, below Zhandosov St, P.O. Box: 050060, Almaty

POWER LIGA official distributor of URSU company, Moscow

76, Mametova St., of. 206, corner of Seifullin Ave, P.O. Box: 050004, Almaty

Pozhservice fire protection equipment

88, Bokeikhanov St, below Raiymbek Ave, P.O. Box: 050014, Almaty


88, Bokeikhanov St, below Raiymbek Ave, P.O. Box: 050014, Almaty


40, Tole bi St, corner of Valikhanov St, P.O. Box: 050010, Almaty

PRINTCOM Printing House

189-B, Tole bi St, between Zharokov St. and Gagarin Ave, P.O. Box: 050009, Almaty

Professional-technical lyceum # 3

174, Raiymbek Ave, corner of Muratbaev St, P.O. Box: 050016, Almaty

Proectstroi Engineering Expert centre

65/69, Nauryzbai batyr St., of. 106, 108, 105, corner of Tole bi St, P.O. Box: 050000, Almaty

Quality LTD flowers salon

90, Abylai khan Ave, corner of Karasai batyr St, P.O. Box: 050000, Almaty


17, Al-Farabi Ave., of. 1301, Nurly Tau business centre, block 4B, corner of Zheltoksan St, P.O. Box: 050059, Almaty

Republic Tadjikistan embassy

16, Sanatornaya St., Microdistrict Baganashyl, P.O. Box: 050051, Almaty

Respect footwear supermarket

2/4, Dostyk Ave., Quarter Trade Centre, fl. 1, corner of Gogol St, P.O. Box: 050000, Almaty

Roman Catholic cathedral of the Saint Trinity

9, Tlendiev St, corner of Raiymbek Ave, P.O. Box: 050005, Almaty

Rose Jewellery and Silver

226, Furmanov St, Ramstore Hypermarket, 1-06, P.O. Box: 050059, Almaty

Sanitary Epidemiological Station of Almalinski District station

130-A, Tole bi St, corner of Mukanov St, P.O. Box: 050026, Almaty
19,724 companies