Keruen-Medicus - Almaty, Kazakhstan
1 Review
Keruen-Medicus62, Sharipov St, corner of Tole bi St, P.O. Box: 0500122930877, 2926756, 2930966
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62, Sharipov St, corner of Tole bi St, P.O. Box: 050012, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Keruen-Medicus62, Sharipov St, corner of Tole bi St, P.O. Box: 0500122930877, 2926756, 2930966
The staff asked my wife if I wanted to stay with her after she gave birth. She said "Yes" and I stayed for 5 days. However, the staff forgot to mention that it costed 8000 tenge per day. If we knew it costed that much I would have not stayed. As we were leaving staff demanded a payment of 40,000 tenge! It costed them 8000 tenge per day for a husband to stay in a room with his wife and baby, not requiring any medical attention, and to sleep on an old portable squeaky bed.
I recommend other spouses' with foreign husband's to stay away from Keruen-Medicus. They cheated me out of a lot of money for providing nothing.
I recommend other spouses' with foreign husband's to stay away from Keruen-Medicus. They cheated me out of a lot of money for providing nothing.
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